Lab128 Screenshots (3).

Buffer Explorer window.

The Buffer Explorer window shows what is in the instance cache (block buffers). To make information easy to digest, data from v$bh view is aggregated using different dimensions and the result is presented as a tree. In this window, you can see a distribution of buffers between different type of objects, tablespaces / datafiles, object owners, and the objects themselves. The buffers' distribution per block status and various buffer flags can be viewed as well. You can also observe changes in the buffers' distribution from one v$bh snapshot to the other.

Lab128 Buffer Explorer window

Explain Plan window.

Here is the example of Lab128 Explain Plan window.

Lab128 Explain Plan window

Top Processes.

This window shows top processes on the server. This data comes directly from the operating system (OS) - it is an output of the 'top' command. This information is joined to the Oracle session's data coming from Oracle instance, if you are monitoring this instance. This window is most useful when you are troubleshooting high CPU usage and need to see what is happening on the host server. For example, if the Oracle instance is very slow, there must be some processes hogging CPU resources.

Lab128 Top Processes window

Alert File Viewer

The Alert File Viewer window helps to examine the alert file by highlighting content, automatically detecting important events, and providing navigation means for locating these important events.

Lab128 Alert File Viewer window

Clusterware Commander

You can monitor the status of Oracle clusterware in the Clusterware Commander. While monitoring the status, you can invoke maintenance commands such as: database / instance / service startup or shutdown; the relocation of the services between instances. Additionally, you can start Lab128 monitor for a specific instance with many connection details filled up automatically.

Lab128 Clusterware Commander window

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