Contents Lab128 - Tools for Advanced Oracle Tuning and Monitoring. Reference Guide.

Performance "Statspack" Report

Lab128 can generates Statspack-like report using user's selected time interval. Once the interval is selected, a menu item Reports | Performance | Statspack Report becomes enabled. Also you can use shortcut Ctrl-S to call the report. The report presents the most important data used in performance analysis:

Load Profile. The "Load Profile" section shows you the load on your instance per second and per transaction. You can compare this section between two Reports to see how the load on your instance is increasing or decreasing over time.

Instance Efficiency Percentages. Hit ratios are calculations that may provide information regarding different operations in the Oracle instance. Database tuning never must be driven by hit ratios. They only provide additional information to understand how the instance is operating.

Top 10 Wait Events. This section shows the Top 10 timed events that must be considered to focus the tuning efforts. This section is crucial in determining what some of the performance drains in your database are. It will actually tell you the amount of time the instance spent waiting.

Here are some common reasons for high wait events:

ASH - Top SQL Statements. The Active Session History (ASH) collection engine provides very important report on most active SQL statements and shows breakdown by wait events.

Each SQL statement has a list of events and percentage of time spent on the event. Depending on nature of waits, this shows whether the statement was CPU intensive, or I/O intensive, or experienced row lock contention etc.

ASH - Top Service/Module. This shows distribution of the load between services. The report has same columns as in previous ASH - Top SQL Statements section.

Top SQL ordered by Elapsed Time. If your goal is to reduce the response time of the database, you should start with this section. You should look at total elapsed time for the query and elapsed time per a single execution. Sometimes the single execution time is reasonable but the frequency of executions can point out to the problem in the application. The percentage of DB Time gives an estimation of how big impact the query is making to overall response time. Therefore it gives an idea how big will be payoff if the query is significantly improved. CPU column should be compared to the Elapsed time column to see the percentage of time spent on CPU. That will tell how CPU intensive the query is.

Top SQL ordered by CPU Time. If your goal is to reduce / analyze the CPU usage, you should look into this section. The CPU time probably will be a substantial percentage of total elapsed time. If the query spent all the time on CPU, values in these columns will be very close. As with elapsed time analysis in previous section, you should look at total time and time per a single execution. Sometimes the single execution time is reasonable but the frequency of executions can point out to the problem in the application. Your decision whether to optimize the query or fix the application or add more hardware should be based on those factors. The percentage of DB Time gives an estimation of how big impact the query is making to overall response time. Therefore it gives an idea how big will be payoff if the query is significantly improved.

Top SQL ordered by Gets. Gets are logical reads of DB blocks. They can be satisfied from the disk (physical read) from the DB cache. Quite often in OLTP environment the queries with highest gets will be gets from cache because they have much higher rate than physical reads. These queries will have high hit ratio (cache gets divided by total gets number) and typically there is a good correlation between top CPU queries and top Gets queries. In DSS environment, gets are mostly read gets, so there is a correlation between top Reads and top Gets queries. You should check if the number of gets per execution is reasonable. You should take into consideration how many rows the query is expected to return. If the number of rows is small but the number of gets per row is high, there are potentials to improve the query. Generally the number of gets per row > 100 in OLTP should be considered as too large but it depends on the query. If the query does aggregations across many rows, this criterion doesn't apply. You should remember that large number of gets may indicate the opportunity to improve the query.

Top SQL ordered by Reads. If your goal is to reduce / analyze the I/O load, you should look into this section. You should check if the number of reads per execution is reasonable. In OLTP environment the large number of reads can indicate full scans or range scans on indexes with poor selectivity. You should also check the number of gets per execution. If the number of gets is reasonably small, and your system is experiencing high I/O, you should increase DB cache. This doesn't apply to DSS database. Even though large number of reads can be normal in DSS, you should attempt to optimize SQL and reduce number of reads.

Top SQL ordered by Executions. High-frequency queries can indicate poorly designed application. The excessive number of execution can tax CPU and network.

Top SQL ordered by Parse Calls. You should always avoid hard parses for frequent queries which is typical to OLTP environment. Even if all parses are soft parses, they present substantial load to the system and should be avoided. This generally can be done at application level by re-coding and using principle "parsing once and executing the query several times."

Top SQL ordered by Cluster Wait Time. This is RAC specific section. These are top queries used to wait most on RAC inter-instance events. Compare values in CWT (Cluster Wait Time) columns with the elapsed time, if they are close, then the global cache and supporting services are a bottleneck for this query. Check which tables / indexes involved in the query and relate that information with segment statistics in Segments and Extents screen, sorted by "gc cr blocks received" and "gc current blocks received". This will give you understanding which segments are hot. Then you will need to take measures, which depending on type of segments, can include reverse indexing, hash partitioning, or application partitioning.

OS Statistics. Most of statistics are self-explanatory. Please note that Physical memory size is not reported correctly in some Oracle versions. The "CPU Total Busy Time" is a sum of "CPU User Time" and "CPU System Time". The "% of Elapsed Time" column shows how much of all available CPU resources have been utilized.

RAC Statistics.

Global Cache Load Profile.

Global Cache Efficiency Percentages.

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics.

This section provides average times for obtaining global enqueue (locks) and global cache blocks.

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics.

This section provides performance numbers on messaging, although Oracle documentation doesn't say how to use that information for the purpose of tuning or troubleshooting . If you have your ideas, please sent e-mail message to