Lab128 - Tools for Advanced Oracle Tuning and Monitoring.
Reference Guide.
Lab128 Options
The application-level options can be set in this window:
General Options.
Show Toolbar. This checkbox enables / disables Toolbar.
If you use a monitor with a smaller resolution, disable the Toolbar to increase available area for other windows;
Show Taskbar. This checkbox enables / disables Taskbar.
If you use a monitor with a smaller resolution, disable the Taskbar to increase available area for other windows;
Show SQL_ID / SQL Hash in Color. This option will color SQL ID or SQL Hash fields.
This may help visually track the same SQL statement or different SQL statements
in the forms and windows throughout the application.
Putty String. Edit the path to putty.exe and customizing Putty command line options.
For example, you can supply the username in the form:
The ${HOST} is a variable which will be substituted by the host name obtained from the V$INSTANCE view after Lab128 connects to Oracle.
Also, optionally, you can provide the password, although this is not recommended for reasons of security.
The password will be stored in plain text in the lab128.ini file.
If you possibly can, we recommend you set up public-key authentication instead.
See Putty's documentation for more details.
If you still want to supply the password, here is the example:
For more information about Putty command line options see Putty's documentation.
Date/Time Format.
The date and time format can be changed by selecting radio-buttons.
Once changed, there is no need to restart the application,
although you may need to close and re-open some windows.