Which Type Of Installation To Use.

Regular Type

In most cases it is recommended to use either 64-bit Lab128_*.msi or 32-bit Lab128_setup_*.exe. If OS is 64-bit, both 32-bit and 64-bit types are supported, but in the long term, Lab128 64-bit is recommended.

The Regular type is very convenient and safe way to install Lab128 because the integrity and origin of files are automatically checked. Both distributions come with OCI (English and West European languages) and don't require any other actions. You should be able to run Lab128 "out of the box".

If there is a previous version of Lab128 installed, it will be upgraded at your choice.

Special cases

There are situations when:

You don't have privileges to install new software. Use Portable with OCI, uncompress all files into read/write folder.
You need to access Oracle 8i database, which is not supported by OCI version 11. Use Regular type, then replace two .DLL files with OCI version 10.

Or use Portable with no OCI, uncompress all files into read/write folder, then download OCI version 10 files and place them into the same folder.
You already have Oracle Client installed and want to use it. Use Regular type, then delete two OCI*.DLL files from the folder where Lab128 is installed.

Or use Portable with no OCI, uncompress all files into read/write folder, then download OCI files and place them into the same folder.

Make sure that path to Oracle Client binaries is included into the PATH environment variable.
You need OCI with messages in other languages than Western European. Use Regular type, then replace two .DLL files with OCI from Oracle Instant Client "Basic" or install Oracle Client "Full" version. See also previous item.

Or use Portable with no OCI, uncompress all files into read/write folder, then download OCI files from Oracle Instant Client "Basic" and place them into the same folder.
You need several Windows accounts to access Lab128. Use Portable with OCI, uncompress all files into read/write folder accessible to all users.
You are sophisticated user, need full control over install/uninstall, and like unix-type portable software. Use Portable with OCI, uncompress all files into read/write folder. Well, you know what else to do.

Note. When using Portable type, it is advisable to check the SHA-1 hash value of downloaded .zip files.

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